Company Profile
Quick Cut Gasket & Rubber Corporation was founded in 1964 by Norman Steinbruckner. Unfortunately, Norman has passed away but the company, under the leadership of his son, Scott, will continue to carry on the tradition of creating the highest quality products while providing the highest level of service.
Our first location was Norman’s garage on the east side of Buffalo, New York. He very quickly out grew that 400 sq. feet and after several other moves he settled Quick Cut at our 6 acre, 25,000 sq. ft. facility in Lancaster New York where we’ve been for the last 42 years.
In 1970 Norman’s son Ron joined the company. His duties ranged from sweeping floors to unloading trucks to making tooling. In 1995 Ron was appointed Vice President of the company. Sadly, in 2001 Ron passed away. Make no mistake, he passed extensive knowledge of 31 years on to many employees, and that knowledge still continues to help this company grow today.
In 1986 Norman’s son Scott joined the company and like Ron learned from the bottom up. Today Scott is President/CEO of the company. He is involved in all aspects of the business from overseeing the office and quoting to tooling design and production, making sure everything runs smoothly so customers get their product done right the first time and out the door on time.
“That is Our Commitment”
We can’t leave out our tremendous staff. In charge of spliced, vulcanized, and molded O-rings is Marge Bulera. Jeff Bunk handles gaskets, sheet material, and packings. Together they have the knowledge and expertise to solve all your sealing problems. From our ladies who answer your phone calls and start processing your orders to all the employees in the plant, we all work very hard to complete your orders promptly and correctly every day.
Fifty-eight years ago when we registered the name “Quick Cut” we did not realize the significance of the letters “Q.C.” Today they stand for “Quality Control.”
We have been blessed with very good long term employees, and with our close family atmosphere “Quality Control” comes naturally. We are proud of our quality record. Over the last 10 years it has been:
- Acceptance Rate – 99.0%
- Accuracy – 99.2%
- On-Time Delivery – 97.8%
But we are always striving to be better!!!
We still consider ourselves a small company and we will never lose that personal touch that all our customers deserve. We take pride in helping our customers out of a jam. Every day we get numerous rush orders. We have the ability to immediately cut some gaskets or vulcanize some O-rings etc. and ship them out that same day. We truly live by our name “Quick Cut.”
Our founder Norman Steinbruckner always reminded us to never lose that personal touch and that the small orders are just as important as the large ones.
The low rate of employee turnover is one of the keys to our success. Employee seniority ranges from 14 years to 40 years, and our people have proven that experience can spot a mistake or a problem before it becomes one.
With over 43 pieces of precision machinery to help fulfill your sealing needs, we hope you will give Quick Cut Gaskets a try. The phone call is free – 800.448.3808 – and we’re sure we can save you time and money.
One thing you can be sure of is that when you are our customer, you are important and appreciated, and you will receive the best service possible.
This is our promise.
This is our commitment.
In Memory of:
Norman Steinbruckner (1927-2014)
Ronald Steinbruckner (1953-2001)